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ECON 465 - Market Structure
Market structure and social welfare, theory of price discrimination, equilibrium in oligopolistic markets, entry and exit decisions,...

ECON 460 - Economics of Labour Markets
The theory of labour supply and demand for individuals, households, and firms. Policy implications for Canadian taxation and benefit...

ECON 457 - Seminar in International Economic Relations
Selected topics focusing upon various issues arising in international economic relations.

ECON 456 - International Macroeconomics and Finance
Balance of payments; market for foreign exchange; mechanism for adjusting the balance of payments; internal vs. external stability;...

ECON 455 - International Trade
International trade theory and policy in general equilibrium; relative costs, factor proportions, imperfect competition and the pattern...

ECON 450 - Economics of Taxation
Economic analysis of taxation. Equity, efficiency, and incidence of government revenue sources such as personal and corporate income...

ECON 442 - Issues in Economic Development
Divergence in the world economy, poverty, consequences of initial inequality, institutions, the impact of history, recent developmental...

ECON 441 - The Process of Economic Development
Industrialization of an agrarian economy; how the West grew rich; history of Japanese development; technical progress and growth;...

ECON 425 - Advanced Econometrics
The study and analysis of advanced econometric models. Topics may include statistical inference on various models with nonlinearity and...

ECON 421 - Introduction to Game Theory and Applications
Principles of rational behaviour in strategic situations and various notions of equilibrium useful in predicting outcomes. Applications...

ECON 408 - Computational Methods in Macroeconomics
Computational tools and algorithms used in macroeconomics and financial economics including applications to unemployment, inequality,...

ECON 398 - Introduction to Applied Economics
Theory and practice of the analytical application of economics. Causality, empirical analysis, and the application of theoretical models...

ECON 390 - Introduction to Economic Research
Selected topics in economic research. Application of research methods to economic data.

ECON 384 - Economic Analysis of Health Services
Microeconomic theory of resource allocation with emphasis on the applications of optimizing models of health service markets. Analysis of...

ECON 374 - Land Economics
Economic analysis applied to problems of land use. Rent theory. Land valuation. Land conservation. Techniques for assessing economic...

ECON 371 - Economics of the Environment
Economic analysis applied to various environmental issues, including sustainable development, quality of life, and environmental impacts...

ECON 370 - Benefit-Cost Analysis and the Economics of Project Evaluation
Techniques and problems in benefit-cost analysis of public projects. Examination of alternative approaches to public decision-making such...

ECON 367 - Economic Analysis of Law
The economics of market failure, equity and efficiency. Property rights, the economics of accident and contract law, economic theories of...

ECON 356 - Introduction to International Finance
Exchange rate policy regimes; international financial organizations; the interaction between monetary policy and exchange rate regimes;...

ECON 355 - Introduction to International Trade
The determinants of trade patterns, trade policy, tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, political economy of protectionism, bilateral...
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