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ECON 351 - Sex and Gender in the Economy
Application of economic analysis to marriage, fertility and health, gender inequality in labour markets and unpaid caregiving; the...
ECON 345 - Money and Banking
Development of the Canadian financial system, financial markets and institutions, development and theory of the regulation of the...
ECON 339 - Economics of Technological Change
Application of economic analysis to technological change; the impact of technological change on the growth and distribution of income;...
ECON 336 - Economic History of Canada
The growth of the Canadian economy in relation to development of natural resources, changing markets, industrialism, communications, and...
ECON 335 - Fertility, Families and Human Migration
Traditional fertility and mortality patterns, demographic transition, catastrophes, well-being and nutrition, international and internal...
ECON 333 - Economic History of Europe from the Paleolithic to the Industrial Revolution
The conditions and causes of long run growth from nomadism to agriculture to industrialized states, including institutions, geography,...
ECON 328 - Methods of Empirical Research
Empirical tools used in applied research, with emphasis on the linear regression model.
ECON 326 - Introduction to Econometrics II
Methods of empirical economic research. Topics include multiple linear regression models, with a focus on regression diagnostics,...
ECON 325 - Introduction to Econometrics I
Essentials of probability and statistics for applied work in economics. Topics include fundamentals of probability and statistical...
ECON 323 - Quantitative Economic Modelling with Data Science Applications
Use of computation and modern data science in economics for visualization and manipulation of economic data as well as solving and...
ECON 319 - History and Philosophy of Economics from Ricardo to Keynes
The development of economic thought from David Ricardo up to the present including such figures as Malthus, Mill, Jevons, and Keynes,...
ECON 318 - History and Philosophy of Economics from Aristotle to Adam Smith
Development of economic thought from Aristotle to Adam Smith, focusing on the conceptual foundations of economics, particularly the...
ECON 317 - Poverty and Inequality
Economic inequality in Canada and other countries; measurement and causes. Inequality in the distribution of wealth; redistribution of...
ECON 316 - Intermediate Microeconomics II
Higher level topics in microeconomics covering areas such as risk and uncertainty, game theory, adverse selection, moral hazard,...
ECON 315 - Intermediate Microeconomics I
Consumer behaviour, producer theory, monopoly, oligopoly, public goods, general equilibrium, welfare economics, exchange, externalities,...
ECON 311 - Principles of Macroeconomics
The scope of this course is approximately the same as that of ECON 102. The course is intended for upper-level students only.
ECON 310 - Principles of Microeconomics
The scope of this course is approximately the same as that of ECON101. The course is intended for upper-level students only.
ECON 309 - Intermediate Open Economy Macroeconomics
The aggregate economy with emphasis on macroeconomic policy and international economic growth, money and inflation, unemployment,...
ECON 307 - Honours Intermediate Macroeconomics II
Theories of economic growth and the business cycle. Ideally for prospective honours students.
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